Worship Times & Community Hour
9:00 am Modern Worship, Sanctuary
10:15 am Community Hour
11:00 am Classic Worship, Sanctuary
Musically, Virginia McGuigan and the Choir will typically lead the 11:00 Classic Worship Service with a mix of hymns, choir anthems, and praise choruses while Simon and Jessica Dunn will ordinarily lead the 9:00 Modern Worship Service. Regardless of the musical style, both services will always aim to focus our attention upward through “Big-God, Christ-centered” lyrics, the hallmarks of TWC worship.
Hourly Schedule
Worship Schedule
- 9:00 am - Sanctuary
- Modern Worship Service
- 10:00 am - Various locations o Campus
- Community Hour
- Opportunities to Grow!
- 11:00 am - Sanctuary
- Classic Worship Service