JAMLand kids Online experience

Sunday, march 07, 2021

Welcome, we're so glad to see you today!

rsvp FOR next SUNDAY!

RSVP To enable appropriate social distancing, space is limited, so families MUST RSVP using the blue button.

CHECK-IN  On Sundays, check-in at the kiosk in the breezeway between JAMLand and Fellowship Hall. Kids will get a quick temperature check and use hand sanitizer before heading to JAM. Nursery and Preschool through Kindergarten will meet in their normal classrooms. First through 6th graders will gather in the Fellowship Hall.

SAFETY There will be plenty of hand sanitizer and masks available.  Masks are required for all volunteers and kids in 1st-6th grade. Children in Preschool through Kindergarten will be strongly encouraged to wear a mask.

PICK-UP Please send one parent to the door of your child’s class. Your child will be brought to you, so no need to enter the room.

Two's | Video:  Bible Story Time

This month Toddlers and Twos are preparing for Palm Sunday and Easter when we hear the Good News that Jesus is alive!

TWO'S Coloring & Activity Sheets

Jesus enters Jerusalem Coloring Page


sunday mornings at trinity

If you are joining us in person this week, here's what you can expect:

preschool - kindergarten

There's one fact for sure - Max is all mixed up! He says, "Good night" in the morning and "Good morning" at night. Max loves telling Bible stories, but sometimes he gets the facts mixed up. As the Bible story is told, the preschool/K kids will have to listen with careful ears and shout, "You're mixed up, Max!" when Max gets it wrong. Once they get the story straight, the kids will learn that they belong to Jesus and can ask him for help.



This week preschoolers and kindergartners learn that we can always go Jesus and ask for help - just like Mary and Martha did when their brother Lazarus had died.


"Your face will freeze like that!" It's a phrase that's been uttered by more than a few moms. Fortunately, for most of us, it didn't prove true - until now! During "Freeze Frame," kids will place the patented Freeze Frame Box on their head (no patents actually pending). When the curtain is lifted, their frozen face will say it all as we look at the miracles of Jesus and discover what it's like to have the power of Jesus in our life.


We all face big problems sometimes and it's easy to turn all our focus on those problems. But Jesus teaches us to keep our focus on him, stand firm in our faith, and he will keep us from sinking into doubt.

INTRODUCING:  Go+ for Pre-K through elementary

Welcome to GO+! Our new online kids church! GO+ brings you videos and other resources that coincide with the lessons that we will be using in elementary JAM on campus each week. So even if you and your family are worshiping at home, kids can learn the same Bible stories and participate in some of the same activities that we are doing at church.

Click on the GO+ Parent Portal button at the bottom of the page to access each week's video. Coloring sheets, printable Bible verses, and additional resources can be found by clicking the Download Material Link listed below the video.

As your child's most important spiritual influence, we hope you will enjoy using GO+ each week to teach your kids about God's story!

Questions or comments about GO+? Please email Jill Means at jmeans@trinitywellsprings.com.