Rev. Steve Schantz,
Pastor of Congregational Care & Life Groups

Steve grew up in upstate New York and became a Floridian by choice. He has been in full-time ministry since 1978 and has served congregations in Middlesboro, London, and Somerset, Kentucky; Clarksburg, West Virginia; and Fort Myers, Sarasota, and Port St. Lucie, Florida. He currently serves two small Grace Communion congregations in Orlando and Melbourne, which allows him time to serve our needs at Trinity. Steve and his wife Carol have been married since 1977. Carol is from Alabama, and can definitely be counted as one of Trinity’s “Roll ‘Tide” fans. Steve and his family moved to Brevard County in 1994 and live in Viera. Their adult children graduated from Satellite High School and the University of Central Florida.
While employed in full-time ministry, Steve has had the opportunity to wear a number of hats. He has worked with families, singles, and youth. Some of his fondest memories are those shared with the senior members of the congregation. He continues to learn invaluable lessons from those who have gone before him. In addition to his role as Visitation Pastor, Steve is also the Director of Life Groups for Trinity Wellsprings Church. Steve’s community involvement in Brevard County includes working with the Suntree Viera Area Association of Churches. He has also actively served in outreach through the Southern Brevard Meals on Wheels; Canova Beach Clean-Up Projects; planning community worship opportunities at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas; Habitat for Humanity, and the former Resurrection Ranch.