Sunday, May 3, 2020
Bible Text: Genesis 1:26, 2 Peter 1:3-4 | Speaker: Jason Carter | Series: How Great is Our God |
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Living Room Liturgy
The Triune Nature of God: Theology for Relational Fullness
Genesis 1:26|2 Peter 1:3-4
Before the Worship Service:
Lectio (Read the Text with a Listening Ear)
Old Testament Reading: Genesis 1:26-27
New Testament Reading: 2 Peter 1:3-4
Meditatio (Meditate)
What do you think it means to be created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27)?
Oratio (Pray by Yourself or with your Family)
Read Psalm 8 and give thanks to God using the Psalm.
Connecting in Worship
Adoratio (Worship)
We’d love to connect with you…please click the Connect Card image below. How can we pray with you? After you fill out the Connect Card, you’ll be directed to a place to share prayer requests.
After the Worship Service
Meditatio (Meditate on Peter’s failure, his repentance, and his strengthening ministry.)
Have you ever felt this way about the Trinity: “He who denies the Trinity loses his soul; he who tries to explain the Trinity loses his mind” (Anonymous Source)? Why or why not?
Michael Reeves, in Delighting in the Trinity, writes: “Christianity is not primarily about lifestyle change; it is about knowing God. To know and grow to enjoy him is what we are saved for…” What do you think Reeves is driving at with respect to American Christianity or the American church?
What struck you about the Top Secret Game by the Psychologist’s study that concluded the #1 secret of most people was: “I’m not sure if I have ever really loved anyone well.” What impression did that make on you?
Where do you see “relational poverty” in our culture and community? What about in your own life?
Discuss this thought: “The exact center of Christianity is the relationship between the Father and the Son. The Father & Son exist in an eternal relationship of love. And by the gospel through the Spirit, I am invited into the inner life of this relationship by grace. What does it mean to you to be invited into a relational dance of love in the Trinity?
Read 2 Peter 1:3-4. What are 1-2 truths that are most compelling to you about these verses?
“If this world was made by a triune God, relationships of love are what life is really all about.” (Tim Keller, Jesus the King). The Trinity means that there is no independent personhood (the divine persons exist in relationship). Yet many people find their most significant identity outside of relationship. Why do you think this is the case?
After the sermon, what does the Trinity and relationship fullness mean to you now?
What steps can you take to dance with the Trinity and move from relational poverty to relational fullness?
Advanced Meditatio Question
The Eastern Orthodox Church has talked about 2 Peter 1:3-4 in terms of “deification”. Pastor Jason mentioned his comfortability with the language of “participation”. Reformed theology often emphasizes the Creator-Creature distinction that lies at the heart of all good theology and at the heart of our relationship with God. How can we talk intelligently about “participation in the divine nature” while still holding firm to the “Creator-Creature distinction”?
Contemplatio (Contemplate)
"The doctrine of the Trinity means that relationship, that fellowship, that togetherness and sharing, that self-giving and other-centeredness are not afterthoughts with God, but the deepest truth about the being of God. The Father is not consumed with Himself; He loves the Son and the Spirit. And the Son is not riddled with narcissism; he loves his Father and the Spirit. And the Spirit is not preoccupied with himself and his own glory; the Spirit loves the Father and the Son. Giving, not taking; other-centeredness, not self-centeredness; sharing, not hoarding are what fire the rockets of God and lie at the very center of God’s existence as Father, Son and Spirit.” (Jesus and the Undoing of Adam)
Operatio (Put it into Practice)
What is one thing that I can meditate on or put into practice this week?
After the sermon: (1) Who is God calling you to be? (2) what is one thing you can practice this week?
Oratio (Respond in Prayer to God)
Pray that you might move from relational poverty to relational fullness this week in your life: with God and with others.
Donatio (Give to the Work of the Lord)
Generosity springs from God’s generous love and mercy to us. As Christians, we recognize that no organization on the planet has changed the world in deep, eternal, transformative ways like God has used the local church.
For Families with Children:
Click on the Image below and talk with your kids about the Bible Lesson this week!
Thanks for participating in this “Living Room Liturgy” with your Church family! God Bless!