Sunday, May 31, 2020
Welcome to Trinity Wellsprings Church.
Video will be available Sunday morning at 9:00 am (and anytime afterwards).
We're thankful to be able to have this Online Worship Experience together with you. You can also find us on Facebook, or, if you'd rather watch the video above directly on YouTube via your Smart TV, please search for Trinity Wellsprings Church. For different ways to GIVE either ONLINE or through the MAIL, go to ONLINE GIVING. For Families with Children, click on the image JAMLAND KIDS ONLINE EXPERIENCE.
Living Room Liturgy
The Goodness of God
Luke 15:11-32
Before the Worship Service:
Read: Luke 15:11-32
Connecting in Worship
Adoratio (Worship)
We’d love to connect with you…please click the Connect Card image below. How can we pray with you? After you fill out the Connect Card, you’ll be directed to a place to share prayer requests.
After the Worship Service
Meditatio (Meditate on the Message)
- Why are we unreliable judges of what is truly good? What experiences have you had that confirms this in your life?
- What is the lie inherent in sin? Can you think of how this applies in your life? Can you look back at any experiences and observe this dynamic at work?
- How would you define the goodness of God? How can we experience more of his goodness?
- What does sin make us to be? What does God make us to be?
- Where is your heart today? Do you find it possible to trust God in every area of your life? Do you think you have believed the lie that God is not good in some area? If so, why?
- How can God be good in the midst of suffering and pain? Have you ever experienced him working things for good? How can you trust him through to the conclusion of the story?
Operatio (Put it into Practice)
What is one thing that I can meditate on or put into practice this week?
Oratio (Respond in Prayer to God)
What are your prayer request and praises that you can lift up before the Father right now?
Donatio (Give to the Work of the Lord)
Generosity springs from God’s generous love and mercy to us. As Christians, we recognize that no organization on the planet has changed the world in deep, eternal, transformative ways like God has used the local church.
For Families with Children:
Click on the Image below and talk with your kids about the Bible Lesson this week! To view past JAMLand Kids online, click HERE.
Thanks for participating in this “Living Room Liturgy” with your Church family! God Bless!