IDENTITY in Spiritual Parenting, Pt. 1

Identity in Spiritual Parenting, Pt. 1 by Mike Elmer In our intention to journey together, we have begun exploring various environments in which to examine how we are discipling our children. As parents, we are the primary disciplers of our kids, and this occurs in real time all the time, the high points of the day and the mundane moments, …

Easter Egg Hunts & Expanding the Household

Easter Egg Hunts & Expanding the Household I have recently been pondering a passage from a phenomenal book entitled “Habits of Household” by Justin Whitmel Earley. He writes about using the term ‘household’ as opposed to ‘family’ when he discusses various habits that form the people living in our families, as follows: The biblical idea of the household enlarges family …

On the Journey of Discipling our Children: Living in the Story

On the Journey of Discipling our Children: Living in the Story by Mike Elmer Discipleship on the Daily I recently had the opportunity to attend the ECO National Gathering in Dallas, TX. The Gathering featured a few breakout sessions on topics related to Family and Children’s Ministry, which I made a point to attend. I had been praying for God …