About us

Community Overflowing

We hope to meet you
and your family.

Relationally authentic Life Groups. Christ-centered expository preaching from the Bible. Vibrant family ministries overflowing with children and students. Inspiring Intergenerational Worship. This is what you’ll experience through the people and programs of Trinity Wellsprings Church.

mission statement

Being & making fully-alive missional disciples of Jesus Christ
who overflow into our community and world.

core values

A Christ-Centered, Gospel-Driven, Relationally-Authentic community of disciples bringing glory to God.
We are all in for Jesus. Jesus is central to everything we believe and do. Our people and programs long to overflow from the fullness of Jesus.
We encounter the Father daily. God the Father speaks to us through the Bible and we commune with him in prayer
We are contributors, not consumers. We do not attend church, we are a church on mission empowered by the Spirit to overflow with the love, grace, and hope of Jesus.

We do life together. Community is our middle name. Relationships matter. Authenticity counts. Discipleship is central. Every person of every generation is wanted, needed, and known. And there’s always room for one more.

We love to be generous. It’s all God’s anyway. Our generosity is a response to the extravagant love and transforming grace of God.

We are on mission to reach one more. In our culture, crossing the threshold of a home is a sacred moment. Every person matters to our hospitable God, so every person matters to us. We join God in practicing hospitality to reach one more – one more coworker, neighbor, family member, and friend.
We bring the best news ever (the Gospel) to the least-reached peoples and pursue biblical justice. We believe the gospel is the most joyful, most life-giving, and most transformative news on planet earth. It is our privilege to take the gospel to the hardest places in our world. We enthusiastically pursue justice, including a focus on homelessness in Brevard County.

Our Leadership



Rev. Dr. Jason Carter

Lead Pastor



Rev. Mike Elmer

Assistant Pastor of Family Ministries & Discipleship



Rev. Steve Schantz

Assistant Pastor of Congregational Care & Senior Ministries


Rev. Kristian eikevik

Assistant Pastor of Students, Fellows, & Biblical Counseling

Ministry staff



Associate Director for Children’s Ministries




Director of Worship and  20's & 30's Ministry



Christine FOSTER

Director of Communications /Exec Admin of Lead Pastor



Business Manager




Associate Director of Students & Fellows

What We Believe

Holy Trinity

We worship and serve the one, eternal, triune God who has revealed himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Bible

We submit to the teachings of the Bible, which is the written Word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and practice. We believe in the life-transforming power of the Word of God to change self-centered sinners to God-glorifying saints.

Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus lived the life we could never live and died the death that we deserved. Through his perfect sinless life, his sacrificial death on the cross, and his victorious resurrection from the grave, we are forgiven and reconciled to God.

The Gospel

We believe there is no more joyful news that can be heard or proclaimed in the universe than this: Jesus Christ came to save sinners. By repenting of sin and trusting in Christ alone, we are adopted as children by God the Father into the family of faith.

The Journey

We recognize that the Christian life is a journey. Though we belong to Christ, we are broken, still-in-process believers who continue to struggle with sin. Yet we work to be faithful and place every area of our lives under his authority and grow into the fullness of Jesus Christ.

The Church

We believe the church lives by its unique mission to preach the Gospel to all the world. We believe the Holy Spirit brings unity to the church when division threatens us, equips the church for courageous service when fear paralyzes us, and sends the church to proclaim the riches of Christ when we are tempted to remain silent.

His Return

We celebrate the presence of the risen Lord Jesus who will one day come again to establish the new heavens and the new earth. Our call is to make ourselves ready for that day!

Trinity Wellsprings Church is a body of believers who long to dig deep roots in Jesus Christ through the Word of God as we discover together the expansive grace of God.  As Presbyterians, we affirm the “Five Solas” of the Protestant Reformation: We believe we are saved by grace alone (Ephesians 2:8-9), through faith alone (John 3:16), in Christ alone (John 14:6), for the glory of God alone (1 Corinthians 10:31) based on the authority of Scripture alone (2 Tim. 3:16-17) in all matters of faith and practice.

We seek to model high truth and high grace in our congregational life together:  “In essential beliefs – unity; in non-essential beliefs – liberty, & in all things – charity (love).”

Trinity Wellsprings Church belongs to ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.  ECO is committed to growing and planting flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ.  ECO’s Essential Tenets of Faith.

Contact Us

Get In Touch Or Drop In At A Service

Sunday Service Time And Location

Two Worship Services Schedule Resumes Sunday, August 1!

9:00 am Modern, Sanctuary

10:15 am Community Hour

11:00 am Classic, Sanctuary

638 S Patrick Dr.
Satellite Beach, FL 32937

More details here.

Contact Information