Pastor Jason’s Update
Pastor Jason’s Update about Trinity’s Response to the Coronavirus
Pastor Jason’s Update about Trinity’s Response to the Coronavirus
CORONAFORMATION #2: Biblical Reasons to Gather in Worship For the next two weeks, our church will be gathering together online for Sunday mornings. This does not mean we “take a break” from corporate worship. Rather, it means our gathering together will look “different” during the coronavirus as we participate in worshipping the Triune God of grace in an online worship …
CoronaFormation #1: Fan the Flame of Faith, Rather than Pour Gasoline on Fear New vocabulary related to the coronavirus is spreading almost as fast as the virus itself. For instance, I’ve heard “quoutfit” (quarantine outfit – what you wear at home all day in a quarantine) and “quaranstream” (binge-watching if you’re confined to your home). To this new vocabularly, I’ve …