
New vocabulary related to the coronavirus is spreading almost as fast as the virus itself. For instance, I’ve heard “quoutfit” (quarantine outfit – what you wear at home all day in a quarantine) and “quaranstream” (binge-watching if you’re confined to your home). To this new vocabularly, I’ve made up another one: CORONAFORMATION (Coronavirus + Spiritual Formation). Does God long to continue to shepherd you as your Heavenly Father with tenderness and strength during the coronavirus?  You bet! Our church staff will be providing digital content during these unusual times. You can check out this page or Pastor Jason’s blog for frequent CORONAFORMATION content for your personal walk with the Lord and for your family.

to god be the glory

-Steve Schantz

July 29, 2020

What does it mean for something or someone to glorify God

Daily grace

-Jason Carter

June 9, 2020  

Pastor Jason was recently interviewed by Grace Fellowship Church (Kinston, NC). Jason talks about what he learned in Africa, suffering, raising a child with autism, and the life of faith.


June 4, 2020

On Pentecost, the ministry of Jesus takes on the prophesied added dimension through the gifting of the Holy Spirit.  We Worship a God who speaks the good news in our language.


June 1, 2020

The 10-minute raw, unedited footage of George Floyd’s death is horrifying and heartbreaking and appalling. Ahmaud Arbery was shot while running in a predominately white neighborhood. I’m convinced that both would be alive today if they were not African-American men.

Racism is not dead in America. Not even close.


May 31, 2020  

As Trinity pre-recorded its service earlier in the week, please pray with me for our country in this Pastoral Prayer for May 31, 2020:
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
How long, O Lord, how long will racism ravage our hearts and our communities? 


May 28, 2020

Each of us experiences life’s storms, some more serious than others. In every circumstance, God is sovereign.  He is working a good and eternal purpose the midst of our tempest.


May 18, 2020

Last week during National Healthcare/Skilled Nursing Week, Trinity Wellsprings Church honored those who are on the local “front line” of the coronavirus by honoring the health care, administrative, and maintenance workers at Zon Assisted Living Facility.

Our desire is to be a church family that overflows with God's grace and love. During these challenging days, we hope to support and honor the hard-working staff at Zon who continue loving and caring for the beloved Senior Citizen residents at the facility. We also showed support to our local businesses, as we presented a local restaurant gift card to each of the employees of Zon Assisted Living Center in appreciation for all these workers are doing to care for the residents.

Our youth group RIPTIDE and other adults helped assemble 125 baskets and gift bags snacks for these workers' break-time.  Amidst all the bad news in our nation and world, Trinity Wellsprings Church longs to spread a simple message of joy, intergenerational solidarity, and cooperative love in our community during these days of social isolation.

The good Shepherd

-Steve Schantz

May 14, 2020

While we negotiate the challenges of personal and corporate decision making during COVID 19, we do so with the lead of a Shepherd who knows our needs and cares for us deeply.

Manic Monday motivation Volume 8

May 11, 2020

Christine Randall shares encouragement from Isaiah 61:1-3


May 7, 2020

Biblical, Theological, & Confessional Reasons answer the question: "Should our church live stream the Lord's Supper?"

Anxiously anchored?

-Steve Schantz

May 3, 2020

Is it true that “I am only that which is broken in me?” Is my name “only that which holds me captive”? Or am I given a new name by God?

Manic Monday motivation Volume 7

May 4, 2020

Randy gives encouragement through scripture in times of impatience and doubt.

Manic Monday motivation Volume 6

April 27, 2020

Mike Elmer shares encouragement through scripture.

Interview with Jammie Baker

April 24, 2020

Wife, mom, and personal wardrobe stylist Jammie Baker shares her personal journey with identity.

what's your name?

-Steve Schantz

April 24, 2020

Is it true that “I am only that which is broken in me?” Is my name “only that which holds me captive”? Or am I given a new name by God?


April 20, 2020

Is Waiting ‘The Worst Thing Ever”? Jade Mazarin writes, "Something actually happens while nothing is happening. God uses waiting to change us."

Manic Monday motivation Volume 5

April 20, 2020

Angie Rogers shares some encouragement through scripture.

April 18, 2020

Interview with Pastor, Author, Mental health and life coach Fernando Ali Kittrell


April 17, 2020

The experience of loss is real for the church during the coronavirus. We shouldn’t pretend otherwise.

CoronaFormation #7

Opportunities for the Church during its Online Hiatus --Jason Carter

April 14, 2020

During a time of disorientation and canceled gatherings, what might God be teaching the Church during COVID-19? Leaning into these few, precious opportunities could prove immensely fruitful.

Manic Monday motivation Volume 4

--Becca Bowers

April 13, 2020

Becca Bowers talks about the cure for anxiety. Recent we've experienced a time of uncertainty and the unknown. What does God's Word say about feeling uneasy and anxious?

Interview with Marcus "Dougie" Wilson

--Randy Gerry

April 10, 2020

Dougie sits down and talks about his personal journey through college, pursuing his passion for music and using his gifts to glorify God.


April 6, 2020

Check out Pastor Jason’s letter to the congregation for how TWC is celebrating HOLY WEEK 2020 and the ways our church family is still practicing mission overflowing even during COVID-19

Manic Monday motivation volume 3

--Randy Gerry

April 6, 2020


CoronaFormation #6

Three Ideas for Christian Growth during Holy Week --Jason Carter

April 4, 2020


April 3, 2020

How does a Dachshund, the Brown Anole lizard, and Palm Sunday all come together? Only in Pastor Steve's pastoral heart!


April 1, 2020

Ever wanted an engaging and fun way to help you slow down your lives? Well, you've come to the right place! This devotional contains four weeks of experiential activities and reflections that will allow you to create space to slow down and hear from God more clearly.

wash before using

--Steve Schantz

April 1, 2020

Over the past few weeks we’ve all become accustomed to washing our hands at every opportunity. It’s not so much the visible dirt we fear right now, but an invisible virus.  We take great pains to keep this virus as far from our home and our family as possible, hoping that a treatment and a cure for Covid-19 is soon in coming. But there is another cleansing and cure which God’s Word points us to in this season.

American gospel: christ alone

Watch Party:  Friday, March 27, 2020 at 7:00 pm

Let’s all plan to watch this together virtually. Use infographic HERE to set it up on your smart tv or other devices.  Is Christianity: Christ + the American Dream? The movie “American Gospel: Christ Alone” takes you on an incredible journey in distinguishing the true gospel from the false, shadow side of the gospel. By delving into the ever-popular prosperity gospel (aka the Word of Faith movement), the movie shows the spectacular rise of this movement which is affecting an ever-increasing large segment of American Christianity.

CoronaFormation #5

Humor in a Time of Coronavirus?  --Jason Carter

March 24, 2020

"Absolute seriousness is never without a dash of humor." Do Floridians understand this dynamic better than most? Humor's proximity to relieving stress, soothing our fears, and expressing our hope during stressful times can be received as a gift from God despite the serious and uncertain times in which we live.

CoronaFormation #4

The Counsel of Jesus for Anxiety --Jason Carter

March 23, 2020

Pastor Jason recaps Sunday's sermon by encapsulating Jesus' counsel for overcoming anxiety from the Sermon on the Mount. Aren't you glad that Jesus longs for us to live free from worry and anxiety?

CoronaFormation #3

God is Our Hiding Place --Lisa Carter

March 23, 2020

Lisa Carter (Pastor Jason's wife) shares personally on the intersection of real life and anxiety. Lisa offers practical tips for people struggling with anxiety during the coronavirus.

CoronaFormation #3B

Scriptures & (Song) to Calm an Anxious Heart --Lisa Carter

March 23, 2020

Meditating on these Scriptures is a pathway towards coming up for air from anxiety. Plus, a song that is ministering to Lisa Carter during these days from Hope Darst entitled "Peace Be Still".

CoronaFormation #2

Biblical Reasons to Gather in Worship

March 18, 2020

Why do Christians gather in corporate worship? A brief guide to understanding the biblical reasons for our historic practice on the Lord's Day.

CoronaFormation #1

Fan the Flame of Faith, Rather than Pour Gasoline on Fear

March 17, 2020

Experiencing Anxiety because of the Coronavirus?  "Fear Not" is among the the Lord's favorite commands in the Scriptures to his people.   ​


March 18, 2020

Pastor Jason shares his heart via video.

VIDEO:  Be still devotional

Randy and Lexi Gerry

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Randy and Lexi discussing the struggle, importance, and intentionality behind Taking time out of our routine to Be filled by God and fight fear with faith.


Friday, March 20, 2020

Wondering how your family is going to get through the next few weeks (or more) and still love each other on the other side? So are we. This is a growing list of a variety of safe and fun activities for families.