Trinity’s Response to Covid-19
Dear Trinity Wellsprings Church:
We live in interesting times.
Yesterday, alongside session and staff, the decision was made to move corporate worship on March 22 & 29 exclusively to an on-line worship experience and re-evaluate the rapidly evolving landscape of the novel coronavirus in two weeks.
The staff will be working diligently this week and next to craft a worship experience suitable for online participation and shepherd the flock with digital content during these days.
Programmatic Updates:
- Riptide (7-12th grades) will not meet on March 18 & 25.
- Rooted (5-6th grades) on Wednesday nights is suspended until further notice.
- Grief Share is suspended until further notice.
- Life Group leaders have been urged to exercise wisdom and caution with gatherings under 10 people for the foreseeable future and/or meet virtually online.
SHINE Capital Campaign:
- We will officially press the “pause button” on SHINE Capital Campaign activities until further notice.
Pastoral Care during the Coronavirus:
All covenant partners need to be informed that pastoral visitation is extremely curtailed for hospital visits and nursing homes unless the person is close to death. You can help communicate this sobering reality to hurting individuals. Trinity’s pastors and care team are not choosing to abandon its pastoral care duties but rather are listening to the precautions the hospitals themselves have set forth during this time.
Being the Church: Caring for the Vulnerable Among Us
Are there still ways to serve one another? The Word of God says, “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Gal. 6:10). We still long to be a “community overflowing” in loving the most vulnerable among us in sacrificial ways! To that end, Trinity is compiling a short list of our widows and limited access seniors who may need help with groceries delivered or medications picked up. For those not in a “risk category” for the coronavirus, please email Pastor Steve ( if you are willing to help. And, if you yourself need help, please get in touch with Pastor Steve (321-759-7367).
Fan the Flame of Faith, Rather than Pouring Gasoline on Fear
Finally, a pastoral word. One of the favorite commands of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the command “to not be afraid”. It’s a favorite commandment that the Lord gives his people:
- When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. ~ Psalm 56:3
- Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. ~1 Peter 5:7
- Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. ~ Luke 12:32
- The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? ~ Psalm 118:6
- There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. ~ 1 John 4:18
These weeks, our staff will be creating digital content to encourage spiritual formation. I’m calling it “CORONAFORMATION” (Coronavirus + Spiritual Formation). You can go to the homepage of our website to find our staff releasing videos, an upcoming table-talk guide for parents and kids, and much more in the days ahead. In fact, the first digital content can already be found here or on my blog entitled “CORONAFORMATION #1: Fan the Flame of Faith, Rather than Pour Gasoline on Fear”.
Pastor Steve Schantz wisely wrote to our Life Group leaders today: “During this season of Lent, we can make wise use of our separate time for going deeper personally with God. Wouldn’t it be just like our Creator and Redeemer to turn a curse into a blessing this Easter season? To fan the flames of a spiritual awakening among His people even as we are forced to hit the reset button and rely more heavily upon Him?” Oh, may it be so for us during these days!
Remember: God loves you; God is crazy about you!
Thankful to remind you of God’s steadfast love during these times,
Pastor Jason Carter