Love INC – Adopt a Product
Each second Sunday, TWC will collect house cleaning and personal care items for our partner, Love INC’s Adopt-a-Product program. Please bring FULL size items on the second Sunday of each month. Bins are located in the main lobby. Below are lists of items needed for their pantry:
Personal Care Items (FULL Size Items, only, please)
- Bar Soap/Body Wash (men/women/baby)
- Men’s 3 in 1 soap/shampoo
- Shaving Cream (men/women)
- Shampoo (men/women/baby)
- Ethnic Hair Care Products
- Hairbrushes/Combs
- Hairspray/Get (men/women)
- Diaper wipes
- Feminine Products (pad/tampon)
- Large Depends
- Q-tips, cotton rounds, etc.
- Razors (men/women)
- Toothbrushes (adult/child)
- Toothpaste
- Mouthwash
- Floss
Household/Cleaning Items (FULL Size Items, only, please)
- Sponges
- Lysol wipes
- Toilet cleaner
- Surface cleaner
- Window cleaner
- Liquid dish soap
- Dishwasher PODS
- Laundry Soap PODS ONLY
- Paper Towels
- Toilet Paper