New to Trinity? Next Steps Seminar and Dinner
Next Steps: Welcome | Believe | Connect
One of the greatest things we do at Trinity Wellsprings Church is welcome new and new-ish attendees to join our Next Steps class. If you’re new, this class is for you! Come and become part of an exciting community of faith that follows Jesus, is passionate about doing life together, and impacts our community and world in amazing ways.
We can hardly wait to get to know you, and this gives you an opportunity to know us, including an introduction and overview of Trinity’s history, theology, and denominational affiliation in ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. This is also the route to become a Trinity covenant partner (member).
This class takes place on a Sunday evening from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm and will include childcare and dinner. Please RSVP using the form below. Then, you can sign in at the table in the Lobby that day beginning at 3:45 pm, and the class will occur in the Seminar Room (the room to the front right of Fellowship Hall)
Next Steps Seminar & Dinner RSVP
RSVP for class Next Steps Seminar & Dinner