Angie Rogers Appreciation Potluck Luncheon
Thank You, Angie!
In a family, we say “hello” to new babies, “see ya later” to college bound freshmen, or “visit anytime” to relatives moving out of town. In a church family, we have “comings” and “goings” for members of our church staff on a frequent basis, too.
Like we announced several weeks ago, Angie Rogers, our faithful Director of Children’s Ministry for the last six years, is following Jesus in pursuing other interests and the next phase of her life. (Her next adventure is seriously an adventure of faith. Angie would love to tell you all about it! It’s cool because it’s a Jesus thing.) For our congregation, we will have the opportunity during a Potluck Luncheon on Sunday, September 29, 12:00 noon (NEW DATE) to say things like “job well done”, “thank you so much”, and “we love you Angie”.
We seriously have been blessed by the job Angie has done with our children and volunteers in JAMLand. Angie has served our church family with energy and creativity while even having the ability to bust out a random dance move in the middle of a conversation! Most importantly, she has allowed her love of Jesus to shine through her life in amazing ways. We are so very thankful for the last six years with Angie at the helm of Children’s Ministries! Angie’s last official day in her position was August 30th, but she will continue to be part of our Trinity family.
Potluck Luncheon RSVP