Vacation Bible School 2023
VBS Registration is now closed. Please contact Mike Elmer if you would like to be placed on a waitlist.
Trinity Wellsprings Church is pleased to announce VBS 2023: Ready Set Move!
At VBS this year, kids will be immersed in an active, imaginative and delightful experience that will help them get to know who Jesus is and why life is lived to the fullest when following him.
When? June 19th-23rd! 9 am – 12 pm
Who? Rising VPK – 6th grade in Fall 2023 (must be 4 years old by Sept. 1, 2023)
How much? $35* ($80 max per family: If you have 3+ children, email Mike Elmer for discount codes before registering.)
*Some scholarships are available. Contact Mike Elmer for more information.
Volunteers needed!
There are many ways to help during this year’s VBS! Wherever your gifts might best be served, whether setting up before VBS begins, serving as a crew leader, or on a station team during the week, we would love to have you. You can help one day or all five days. Students in 7th grade and up are welcome to serve!
All volunteers must complete a Volunteer Application, attend a VBS orientation, and have current Child Abuse Prevention Policy (CAPP) training. Anyone 16 years and over must have a current background check. CAPP training will take place directly following each VBS orientation for those who need it. All sessions will take place in the Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP for 12:30pm Orientations if you plan to eat lunch.
Please fill out the Volunteer Application below, and sign up for CAPP Training. Thank you!
VBS Volunteer Orientation & CAPP Training Dates (Register with the links below):
- Sunday, April 23rd, 12:30pm – 1:30pm*
- Sunday, May 7th, 12:30pm – 1:30pm*
- Sunday, June 11th, 12:30pm – 1:30pm*
- Thursday, May 18th, 7pm – 8pm
- Tuesday, June 6th, 7pm – 8pm
* Lunch provided