Local Outreach
Trinity Wellsprings Church loves our neighbors.Zon Assisted Living Employees
On Thursday, May 14 (during National Healthcare/Skilled Nursing Week), Trinity Wellsprings Church honored those who are on the local “front line” of the coronavirus by honoring the health care, administrative, and maintenance workers at Zon Assisted Living Facility.
Our desire is to be a church family that overflows with God's grace and love. During these challenging days, we hope to support and honor the hard-working staff at Zon who continue loving and caring for the beloved Senior Citizen residents at the facility. We also showed support to our local businesses, as we presented a local restaurant gift card to each of the employees of Zon Assisted Living Center in appreciation for all these workers are doing to care for the residents.
Our youth group RIPTIDE and other adults helped assemble 125 baskets and gift bags snacks for these workers' break-time. Amidst all the bad news in our nation and world, Trinity Wellsprings Church longs to spread a simple message of joy, intergenerational solidarity, and cooperative love in our community during these days of social isolation.
food drives
We surprised one of our local partners, Neighbor Up by blessing them with food we collected from May 6 through May 13. The food went to the Evans Center which has been feeding families weekly.
blood drive: Oneblood big red bus
On May 6, we hosted a much needed blood drive with OneBlood's Big Red Bus.