Sunday, April 19, 2020
Welcome to Trinity Wellsprings Church.
Video will be available Sunday morning at 9:00 am (and anytime afterwards).
We're thankful to be able to have this Online Worship Experience together with you. You can also find us on Facebook, or, if you'd rather watch the video above directly on YouTube via your Smart TV, please search for Trinity Wellsprings Church. For different ways to GIVE either ONLINE or through the MAIL, go to ONLINE GIVING. For Families with Children, click on the image JAMLAND KIDS ONLINE EXPERIENCE.
Living Room Liturgy
Call Me to Come
Matthew 14:22-33
Before the Worship Service:
Lectio (Read the Text with a Listening Ear)
New Testament Reading: Read Matthew 14:22-33
Oratio (Pray by Yourself or with your Family)
- Lift up to Jesus in prayer one reason you are thankful today.
Oh Jesus, we thank you that you are Truly the Son of God. You are calm in the midst of the chaos because you reign over your creation. We worship you as the Lord over creation even as we recognize that the whole of creation is groaning during this present time (Romans 8:22). Amen.
Connecting in Worship
Adoratio (Worship)
We’d love to connect with you…please click the Connect Card image below. How can we pray with you? After you fill out the Connect Card, you’ll be directed to a place to share prayer requests.
After the Worship Service
Meditatio (Meditate & discuss from the Sermon)
1. Why do we choose comfort when we know the risk is worth the reward?
2. What do you admire about Peter? Where did Peter go wrong?
3. What can believers do to be personally prepared “to be called to come out” of the boat? What keeps you “in the boat” during times where Jesus is asking you to follow Him?
4. What does the story of Matthew 14:22-33 tell you about Jesus?
5. How can you be more of a participant at Trinity Wellsprings Church? Both for your own spiritual growth and in service to others?
Contemplatio (Contemplate the Love of God in Christ for you.)
Spend 2-3 minutes in silence meditating on this verse: “Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God’” (Matt. 14:33) Read the verse slowly three times. Then remain quiet before God.
Afterwards: share your experience of contemplation – what God is trying to impress upon your heart and soul – through this verse
Operatio (Put it into Practice)
What is one thing that you can meditate on or put into practice this week to live more fully for Christ?
Oratio (Respond in Prayer to God)
Close your time in prayer by praying through your own life and the ways in which God is calling you to a deeper trust in Christ.
Donatio (Give to the Work of the Lord)
Generosity springs from God’s generous love and mercy to us. As Christians, we recognize that no organization on the planet has changed the world in deep, eternal, transformative ways like God has used the local church.
For Families with Children:
Click on the Image below and talk with your kids about the Bible Lesson this week!
Thanks for participating in this “Living Room Liturgy” with your Church family! God Bless!