
Church Wide Study: Sabbath as Resistance

Sabbath is not an individualistic pursuit but rather a communal endeavor. Celebrate the Sabbath with the family of God as well as your own family and friends.

Join us for this six-week church wide study…three opportunities listed below:

  1. New Life Groups are forming, connect here: TrinityWellsprings.com/adult-life-groups
  2. Sabbath as Resistance Sundays, 10:15 am, Chapel. Join a TWC pastor and a teaching team from 10:15-11:00 for six weeks (September 10 – October 15).
  3. The Way: Apprenticeship with Jesus Thursdays, 6:00 pm – 7:45 pm, Seminar Room Begins September 14. Pastor Jason will lead a class (if there are 15 who sign up). We will break bread together and eat dinner together (fellowship!) Then, we will delve into the Church Wide Study for the first six weeks before embarking on a study that will last into the Spring in the Old Testament. We will typically meet the first, second, and third Thursdays of the month. Sign up here: TrinityWellsprings.com/the-way

PDF Downloads: the Sabbath as Resistance Study Guide and the Sabbath as Resistance Reading Guide

The event is finished.


Oct 15 2023


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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