Community Overflowing...
To Our Community and Our World.Being and making fully-alive missional disciples of Jesus Christ
who overflow into our community and world.
If you're interested in serving with any of our local or global partners, please email the Missions Leadership Team:
Mission Internship Opportunity

Do you have a heart for missions? Are you ready to explore God’s call on your life, either locally or internationally?
Trinity Wellsprings Church is sponsoring a six-week summer Missions Internship position. The applicant selected by the TWC Missions Leadership Team will choose a church mission partner to serve alongside, here in Brevard County or abroad. Check out our missions partners below.
If you are interested in hearing more about the role, please submit an application. Previous interns have returned to serve at TWC or gone abroad as full-time missions partners. Prayerfully consider and ask God if this is something He’d have in mind for you or for someone you know. We are called to be a sending church, bringing the good news of Jesus to every tribe and tongue!
Local Partners
Community of Hope
Mission Statement:
To build hope and healthy families through a helping hand program of structured housing. Allow families with children to remain together in a safe and decent living environment so that they may grow strong, become self-reliant, transform their lives, and crush the cycle of homelessness and poverty.
Prayer Requests:
- We pray first for the well-being of our clients, the families we serve, their children, and the homeless young adults who have experienced so much trauma in their young lives.
- We pray for our staff - that they may know the joy of being the hands of God in the community we serve. May this joy overshadow the stress of this responsibility.
- We pray God grant us the resources to carry out His work and the wisdom to be good stewards of these resources.
Good News Jail & Prison Chaplaincy, Brevard County
Our ministry supplies the daily presence of a chaplain who serves as pastor, counselor, mentor, and friend to the incarcerated and the staff who guard and protect them.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for transformed individuals that can leave prison with a new lease on life after discovering new hope; that they will be less likely to re-offend and return and that they become individuals who are able to renew relationships with loved ones and become a positive influence.
Love INC
In 2021, with 328 volunteers, over 100 partnerships with churches, businesses, and community agencies, 150+ individual donors, and a growing staff, we have worked together to renew the lives of more than 200 individuals and their families in Brevard County.
In learning of Love INC’s Christian-based approach to navigating life’s challenges, Nicole called Love INC for help. Nicole was connected with Eva, a client mentor, to personally come alongside her to process the challenges she was facing, identify goals, and make a plan for growth.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray that we will serve many more those facing overwhelming challenges, find us and find answers through the Love of Christ, like Nicole.
Nana's Children's Home
Nana’s House, in partnership with One More Child, provides safe homes where Foster parents care for neglected, abused, needy and abandoned children in Brevard County. These parents teach children that they were created for a purpose, are loved and have worth.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for protection, more Foster parents, and regular donations of meals, gift cards, supplies and toiletries etc.
Neighbor Up Brevard
BNDC, now Neighbor Up Brevard, continues to seek opportunities to partner with neighborhood leaders to transform struggling communities into oases of hope and opportunity.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for volunteers to serve with children at The DOCK
- Pray for all other areas of ministry throughout Brevard County

gLobal Partners
Becca Bowers - The Antioch Partners, Guatemala
Mission Statement: To see lives changed in Guatemala by spreading the love of Christ and helping others to build relationships with Him.
Becca teaches guitar and English to many students and works alongside The Heier Family and Misión Hispana in their ministries. She feels privileged to lead worship for the group of women who gather at the Dump every week.
Prayer Requests:
- For all of my guitar and English students (who seem to be growing by the week!), that they will continue to learn, and that more conversations about Christ would continue to be possible.
- For all the children I work with at the Dump every week, that they would continue to feel the love of Christ, and that they would be blessed because of it.
- For the women at the dump I get to lead worship for, that the Lord would continue to change hearts and lives there.
The Heier Family - Misión Hispana, Guatemala
Mission Statement: To reach the forgotten in Guatemala by forming life changing relationships in the name of Jesus.
Misión Hispana ministers to several different groups/areas. They facilitate a triathlon ministry with young triathletes. They minister to families who have no where else to live except the city dump. They are currently building The Hope Center to work with the community of children and women that is growing weekly. They also provide free trainings to first-responders (firemen, policemen, lifeguards, etc.).
Pastor Frank Godberg, Bethel Mission Church, India
Bethel Mission Church is a holistic ministry. The main church at Kolar Gold Fields, has 800 plus families as its members with 45 branch churches spread out in three southern states of India. The main purpose of our ministry is to reach out to the lost and perishing souls. India is a diverse country with a population of 1.2 Billion people, of which the Christian population is estimated to be only 3 percent, it is therefore necessary to reach out to the unreached proclaiming the Gospel that they may be saved. Bethel Mission Church has different facets of ministry and its approach is multi-pronged. We have three orphanages taking care of 99 orphan children. Ministries also include: Educational Assistance Program, Feeding the Hunger Program, Helping the Lepers, Conducting Medical Camps, Conducting Awareness Programs, Conducting Gospel Crusades indoors as well as in the Open Air preaching the Gospel.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for a revival to break out in our town, that people may come to know the real Savior our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pray that God destroy all the evil forces that are working against the propagation of the Gospel in India.
- Pray for God’s provisions to keep the ministry afloat
Candy Rieger |Missionary Ventures, Haiti and Dominican Republic
Candy serves two neighboring countries: Haiti and the Dominican Republic. She is affiliated with Missionary Ventures (MV) to serve and support the national church through strategic partnering relationships, in practical, day-to-day ministries, often standing between opposing and conflicting cultures. She works to identify and assist leaders to further the spread of the gospel and facilitate community development through church planting, education, and construction.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for her safety in her 26th year of ministry there.
Fishers of Men Ministries, Port au Prince, Haiti
Mission Statement:
To touch and take a nation for Jesus through multiple programs in the church along with academic schools, crusades, leadership training, etc.
Prayer Requests:
- The counter-carnival crusade they have each year. That it may be successful and more people than ever come to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
- For the safety of everyone involved in the crusade. That the Satan looses his grip and the island nation becomes Christ’s alone.
IBCP Seminary, Equatorial Guinea
IBCP Seminary in Equatorial Guinea is the largest evangelical seminary in Equatorial Guinea, serving the needs for pastoral training and equipping of church planters in both major cities of the country as well as the interior villages. IBCP Seminary is a bastion of sound, biblical teaching and leadership training amidst a culture steeped in African witchcraft and colonial Catholicism.
Prayer Requests:
- The IBCP advance after the COVID-19 issue, especially in Malabo and Evinayong, the work has been very hard to keep up. May God allow that, this year, these students resume classes normally and can continue until they finish.
- May God use the classes and teachers to transform and prepare students for their lives and ministries to bring glory to God at GE
- May God allow the Government’s projects for social welfare to be lasting. Such is the case of water. Despite the great investment we made in 2017 to bring water to the IBCP yard, since last year we have gone up to two months without water. We had to buy a new pump that has now worn out again. It’s hard, but we believe that God can help us take maintenance seriously in our country.