All Vacation Bible School volunteers must attend one orientation and have current Child Abuse Prevention Policy (CAPP) training. All orientations will take place in the Seminar Room except the April 27th class which will take place upstairs in Music & Message in JAMLand. Lunch will be provided for noon trainings. To RSVP for lunch or if you require childcare, please …
Vacation Bible School Volunteer Orientation
All Vacation Bible School volunteers must attend one orientation and have current Child Abuse Prevention Policy (CAPP) training. All orientations will take place in the Seminar Room except the April 27th class which will take place upstairs in Music & Message in JAMLand. Lunch will be provided for noon trainings. To RSVP for lunch or if you require childcare, please …
Vacation Bible School 2020: At Home Edition
Registration for Concrete and Cranes is closed. As with many events these days, this year’s VBS is going to be very different than ever before – but still filled with Bible truths, awesome music, fun crafts, and silly games! Unfortunately we will not be meeting on campus, and we will very much miss interacting with all the kids, teenagers, actors, …
Middle School-Student Life Rec Camp
Middle School Camp [JUNE 29-JULY 3] Entering Grades 6-8 On Monday, June 29, we will meet at Trinity in the morning and head to Southeastern University about 2 hours away. We will be on campus the entire week until we leave on Friday, July 3 arriving home midday. Cost covers the camp and food for our time at the camp. …